4 Pipe VEP with 3.5 Touchscreen Display - Black Plastic


The VESDA-E VEP series of smoke detectors bring the latest and most advanced detection technology to provide very early warning and the best nuisance alarm rejection to a wide range of applications. Built on the Flair detection technology and years o… Read More

Key Features
  • One and four pipe models for different applications
  • Flair detection technology delivers reliable very early warning in a wide range of environments with minimal nuisance alarms
  • Multi stage filtration and optical protection with clean air barriers ensures lifetime detection performance
  • Four alarm levels and a wide sensitivity range deliver optimum protection for the widest range of applications
  • Intuitive LCD icon display provides instant status information for immediate response
  • Flow fault thresholds per port accommodate varying airflow conditions
  • Smart on-board filter retains dust count and remaining filter life for predictable maintenance
  • Extensive event log (20,000 events) for event analysis and system diagnostics
  • AutoLearn™ smoke and flow for reliable and rapid commissioning
  • Referencing to accommodate external environmental conditions to minimise nuisance alarms

Limited Availability


The VESDA-E VEP series of smoke detectors bring the latest and most advanced detection technology to provide very early warning and the best nuisance alarm rejection to a wide range of applications. Built on the Flair detection technology and years of application experience, VEP detectors deliver absolute calibration for lifetime performance and a range of revolutionary new features that deliver user value. The VESDA-E VEP series of aspirating smoke detectors extend the reach of the VESDA-E platform to a wide range of applications. VEP sensitivity range is from 0.005-20%/m (0.0015-6.25%/ft) and provides up to 40 Class A holes. VEP provides linear pipe lengths up to 280 m (918 ft) and up to 560 m (1,837 ft) of branched pipe networks. VEP also provides StaX and Analytics support together with Ethernet, WiFi, USB and VESDAnet capabilities.

