APIC cards plug into a connector on the main PCB provided for that purpose. To use the Notifier APIC all that is required is to plug the card into this connector using the ribbon cable attached to the interface, connect loop in and loop out on the terminals on the detector PCB and set the switches to the loop address. The APIC has two distinct modes of operation; single address and multi address. When the interface is set to single address mode the card is set to a single address on the Notifier loop and the detector status is read from that address. Multi address mode is used when monitoring the status of multiple detectors with consecutive addresses from a single APIC card. Multi address mode is normally only used in the Command Module. Two pairs of switches, ‘Highest’ and ‘Lowest’, on the APIC card enable the card to either respond as a single address, as it does in a detector, or a range of addresses, which is the way it is set up in the Command Module. To set up an APIC in a detector, which only requires a single address (single address mode), set both pairs of switches to the required address on the Notifier loop. This sets the card to single address mode. The APIC pictured is set to single address mode at address 15.