VEP Aspirating Smoke Detector


VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detectors are highly sensitive aspirating smoke detectors that provide increased reliability and advanced features. They provide a very early warning of fire and superior nuisance alarm rejection for a wide variety of app… Read More

Key Features
  • Total area coverage of 1,000 m2 (10,760 sq. ft)
  • Four pipe variants can cover areas of 2,000 m2 (21,520 sq. ft)
  • Powerful aspirator that enables use of a total of 100m of sampling pipe in the one pipe model
  • Powerful aspirator that enables use of a total of 280m of pipe in the four pipe model
  • Flair Detection Technology uses direct imaging of the sampled particles using a CMOS imager combined with multiple photo-diodes. This allows better detection and fewer nuisance alarms.
  • Can be inverted if the pipe network requires that the sampling pipes enter the detector at the bottom. The fascia of the detector can also be inverted so the user interface has the correct orientation.
  • The VESDA-E VEP-A00 detector features a range of LED Indicators to indicate Alert, Action, Fire 1, Fire 2, Disabled, Fault and Power.
  • Bidirectional data communication network between connected VESDA-E devices
  • VESDA-E VEP is fully compatible with existing VESDA installations and occupies the same pipe, conduit, mounting footprint and electrical positioning
  • Fully approved by VdS for safe use and installation in any European Union country and bear the CE mark to show that they comply with all the applicable directives including the CPR, EMC and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

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VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detectors are highly sensitive aspirating smoke detectors that provide increased reliability and advanced features. They provide a very early warning of fire and superior nuisance alarm rejection for a wide variety of applications. Built on Flair Detection Technology, VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detectors achieve consistent performance over their lifetime via absolute calibration. These detectors offer a range of revolutionary features that provide user value. The VEP range offers absolute calibration, multi-stage filtration and optical protection with clean air barriers to provide continual detection performance. A smart onboard filter retains a dust count and remaining filter life to allow maintenance to be scheduled in advance. VESDA-E VEP detectors offer four alarm levels, a wide sensitivity range and use flow fault thresholds for each port to support changeable airflow conditions. They can deliver Class A, B or C aspirating smoke detection and are available in single or four pipe variations making this range of detectors suitable for a host of applications.

