Ajax Kit13 S (Hub2P+2MCS+DPS+2SC+HSS)

SKU: 90786

The Ajax Kit 13 S is a wireless alarm kit that comprises of a Hub 2 Plus (3G/LAN/Wi-Fi) alarm panel, 2 x MotionCam S PIR's, 1 x DoorProtect S window/door sensors, 2 x SpaceControl key fobs, and 1 x HomeSiren S indoor sounder.

Key Features


The Ajax Kit 13 S is a wireless alarm kit that comprises of a Hub 2 Plus (3G/LAN/Wi-Fi) alarm panel, 2 x MotionCam S PIR's, 1 x DoorProtect S window/door sensors, 2 x SpaceControl key fobs, and 1 x HomeSiren S indoor sounder.