Mx-5000 - 3-Pos Key switch (trapped) - fitted


The MxPro 5 control panel range supports direct installation of up to 8 individual key switches. The MxPro 5 1 loop permits 1 key-switch to be fitted, but the MxPro 5 2 & 4 loop control panels allow a maximum of 8.

Key Features
  • Enable/disable controls
  • Group isolate to disable I/O across network
  • For use to start/enable a class change
  • Trapped and un-trapped key switches available
  • Control of multi-sensor/device sensitivity mode change
  • Simple to install and configure
  • Trapped and Un-trapped key switches
MxPro 5

In Stock


The MxPro 5 control panel range supports direct installation of up to 8 individual key switches. The MxPro 5 1 loop permits 1 key-switch to be fitted, but the MxPro 5 2 & 4 loop control panels allow a maximum of 8.